Don't let them derail you from earning more income! ARE THERE ANY MONTHLY FEES OR HIDDEN CHARGES? You pay for your eBook subscription one time with no other out-of-pocket fees. IS THIS A PYRAMID? Pyramids are illegal. A pyramid offers you no product or service for your money. A pyramid is like throwing money into a pot. Someone gets paid and then the pot must be filled again. You must keep feeding the pyramid scheme money. In 4Corners, you pay for information. You only pay out-of-pocket to launch your eBook subscription once. DOES THIS REQUIRE A LOT OF FREE TIME? If you can take 1-2 minutes to invite someone in need of more income to join our program, then you can do 4Corners. Once enrolled, you will also need 5-10 minutes to answer the prospect’s questions. Help from a knowledgeable team leader is available simply by conducting a 3-way conference call. WHAT'S THE PRODUCT? DO WE SELL IT? 4Corners offers people an affordable financial literacy course through eBooks. We just point people to 4Cormers using word of mouth, websites and videos. The eBooks are purchased and delivered directly from 4Corners. HOW MANY PEOPLE DO WE HAVE TO REFER? A minimum 4 referrals are required to reach the larger incomes in a respectable amount of time. The more people you refer, the greater the income you receive will be. Multiple referrals increases the size of the payouts! IS IT PROFITABLE? You will earn $559,824 total upon completion of our first tier program. Additional bonuses up to $76,116 are accessible on a monthly bases. Also matching bonuses on any income earned by your personal referrals are paid to you on a weekly basis. WHAT IF I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE EBOOK INFORMATION? The eBooks are what you purchase to become a 4Corners affiliate. They are for educating you on how to have better earning and saving strategies. Additional clarification is available at our live classes or online interactive webinar classes. 4Corners pay is not contingent upon reading the eBooks. The books may help you retain more of this new found income. WHAT IF I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO START? People will find money for anything that is important to them. How badly do you want to increase your income? |